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Donate Here

Your Republican River Valley Public Radio station receives no funding from advertising. It is entirely listener supported. Encourage businesses that you frequent to become underwriters of the station.

From our contributions portal you can make a one time gift or set up a monthly recurring gift. You may elect to remain anonymous or have your name mentioned on the air as a supporter.

Broadcasting over the air is very costly to do. You can help defray these actual costs.

Listener Contributions keep KEZL on the air. You can help by providing a contribution to the operation of the station, or by selecting any of the following ways to help:

No revenue from the station is ever taken out by "owners".
Nonprofits do not have owners, however there is a board of directors.
None of these directors can take any funds out of the station by LAW. So all revenue stays in the station for payment of expenses.

How are you able to help keep the music flowing?:

  • Make a Recurring (Monthly)Tax Deductible Contribution to KEZL Radio Here
  • Make a One Time Contribution of any amount
  • Pay the KEZL-FM Transmitter electric bill for one month

    A generous person will prosper;
    Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
    Proverbs 11:25